Data access
Documents and Glossary
Units of analysis and classifications
Chosen features
Selection of objects
Quota reserved at 31 December (absolute values)
Units of analysis and classifications
<unclassified data>
One table compatible with the choices already made
a. Persons with disabilities
a.1 Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do (absolute values in thousands)
a.2 Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do (percentage values)
b. Health and social care
Persons in Residential Care facilities
Use of health services
Social expenditure of municipalities for facilities, services and treatments
Expenditure of Municipalities for home care by category of beneficiaries (absolute values)
Expenditure of Municipalities for home care by category of beneficiaries (average values for recipients)
Expenditure of Municipalities for residential care facilities by category of beneficiaries (absolute values)
Expenditure of Municipalities for residential care facilities by category of beneficiaries (average values for recipients)
Expenditure of Municipalities for social services and benefits by category of beneficiaries (absolute values)
Expenditure of Municipalities for social services and benefits by category of beneficiaries (average values for recipients)
d. Households
Household socio-democraphic characteristics
e. Education and scholastic integration
Educational level
School environment
Students with disabilities
f. Work and employment
Emplyoment status
f.1 Persons aged 15 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and self-declared activity status (percentage values)
f.2 Employed Persons over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and self-declared employment status (percentage values)
Targeted employment: users and services
Apprenticeships initiated at December 31(absolute values)
Persons registered to the only provincial list "ex L.68/99" at 31 December (absolute values)
Persons with disabilities started-up to work at 31 December (absolute values)
g. Health
Health conditions
Mental Health
h. Social life
Leisure time
Use of services
i. Transport
Private transport
Pubblic transport
j. Accident and work-related diseases
Accidents at work
INAIL annuity holders
Occupational diseases