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Chosen features
Selection of objects
Remove the object:  Persons aged 65 and over with moderate or severe difficulty in personal care activities by severity of limitations in usual activities and need for assistance (standardized quotients per 100 persons)
Persons aged 65 and over with moderate or severe difficulty in personal care activities by severity of limitations in usual activities and need for assistance (standardized quotients per 100 persons)
Remove the object:  Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in bathing or showering by themselves (absolute values in thousands)
Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in bathing or showering by themselves (absolute values in thousands)
Remove the object:  Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulties in getting in and out of a bed or chair by themselves (absolute values in thousands)
Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulties in getting in and out of a bed or chair by themselves (absolute values in thousands)
Remove the object:  Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in lying down and getting up from bed or sitting down and getting up from a chair by themselves  (standardized quotients per 100 persons)
Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in lying down and getting up from bed or sitting down and getting up from a chair by themselves (standardized quotients per 100 persons)
Remove the object:  Students with visual disability (absolute values)
Students with visual disability (absolute values)
Remove the object:  a.2 Persons by severity of  limitations in activities people usually do (percentage values)
a.2 Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do (percentage values)
Units of analysis and classifications
<unclassified data>