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22 tables compatible with the choices already made
  • a.1 Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do (absolute values in thousands) by age class and sex
  • a.2 Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do (percentage values) by age class and sex
  • Persons aged 14 and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and family relationships satisfaction (percentage values) by sex and age class
    • sex: males, females, n.a.
    • age class: 14-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years and over, 75 years and over, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • level of satisfaction with family relationships: very much satisfied, fairly satified, not much satisfied, not at all satisfied, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2022)downloadTime series visualization
  • Persons aged 14 and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and satisfaction leisure time satisfaction (percentage values) by age class and sex
    • age class: 14-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years and over, 75 years and over, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • sex: males, females, n.a.
    • level of satisfaction with leisure time: very much satisfied, fairly satified, not much satisfied, not at all satisfied, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2022)downloadTime series visualization
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and availability of ATM card (percentage values) by sex and age class
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and cultural participation (percentage values) by age class and sex
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and friends relationships satisfaction (percentage values) by age class and sex
    • age class: 14-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years and over, 75 years and over, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • sex: males, females, n.a.
    • level of satisfaction relationships with friends: very much satisfied, fairly satified, not much satisfied, not at all satisfied, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2022)downloadTime series visualization
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and social participation (percentage values) by age class and sex
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and updating on Italian politics (percentage values) by age class and sex
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of banks (percentage values) by age class and sex
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of Local Health Authorities (percentage values) by age class and sex
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of municipal offices (percentage values) by age class and sex
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of post offices (percentage values) by sex and age class
  • Persons aged 25 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and level of education (percentage values) by age class and sex
    • age class: 25-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years , 75 years and over, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • sex: males, females, n.a.
    • level of education: pre-primary, primary and lower secondary, upper secondary school and higher, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2022)downloadTime series visualization
  • Persons aged 3 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and sport activities (percentage values) by age class and sex
  • Persons aged 3 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of pc (percentage values) by sex and age class
  • Persons aged 3 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and watching tv (percentage values) by age class and sex
  • Persons aged 6 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and frequency of religious practice (percentage values) by age class and sex
    • frequency of religious practice: one or more times per week, every days , a few times a year, never, n.a.
    • age class: 6-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years , 75 years and over, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • sex: males, females, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2022)downloadTime series visualization
  • Persons aged 6 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of internet (percentage values) by sex and age class
  • Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and listening radio (percentage values) by age class and sex
  • Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and availability of credit card (percentage values) by sex and age class
  • Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and self-perceived heath status (percentage values) by sex and age class