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Remove the classification: Severity of limitations
Severity of limitations
Remove the classification: Age class
Age class
93 tables compatible with the choices already made
  • Persons aged 14 and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and family relationships satisfaction (percentage values) by age class
    • age class: 14-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years and over, 75 years and over, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • level of satisfaction with family relationships: very much satisfied, fairly satified, not much satisfied, not at all satisfied, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2023)downloadTime series visualization
  • Persons aged 14 and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and satisfaction leisure time satisfaction (percentage values) by age class
    • age class: 14-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years and over, 75 years and over, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • level of satisfaction with leisure time: very much satisfied, fairly satified, not much satisfied, not at all satisfied, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2023)downloadTime series visualization
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and availability of ATM card (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and cultural participation (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and friends relationships satisfaction (percentage values) by age class
    • age class: 14-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years and over, 75 years and over, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • level of satisfaction relationships with friends: very much satisfied, fairly satified, not much satisfied, not at all satisfied, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2023)downloadTime series visualization
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and social participation (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and updating on Italian politics (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of banks (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of extra-urban public transport (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of Local Health Authorities (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of municipal offices (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of post offices (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of train (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 14 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of urban public transport (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 15 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and limitation in hearing (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class: 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulties in hearing: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 15 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and limitation in hearing (percentage values) by age class
    • age class: 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulties in hearing: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 15 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and limitation in hearing (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class: 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulties in hearing: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 15 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and limitation in seeing (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class: 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in seeing: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 15 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and limitation in seeing (percentage values) by age class
    • age class: 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in seeing: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 15 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and limitation in seeing (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class: 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in seeing: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 15 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and limitation in walking (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class: 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in walking: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 15 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and limitation in walking (percentage values) by age class
    • age class: 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in walking: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 15 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and limitation in walking (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class: 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in walking: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 15 and over with depressive symptoms by severity of limitations in usual activities and type of depression (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class: 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years, 75 years and over
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • depression type: Major depression, Other depressive disorders
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  • Persons aged 15 and over with depressive symptoms by severity of limitations in usual activities and type of depression (percentage values) by age class
    • age class: 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years, 75 years and over
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • depression type: Major depression, Other depressive disorders
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 15 and over with depressive symptoms by severity of limitations in usual activities and type of depression (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class: 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years, 75 years and over
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • depression type: Major depression, Other depressive disorders
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  • Persons aged 15 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and self-declared activity status (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 18 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and serious chronic diseases (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 18 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of car as driver (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 25 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and level of education (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 3 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and sport activities (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 3 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of pc (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 3 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and watching tv (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 6 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and frequency of religious practice (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 6 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of internet (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulties in getting in and out of a bed or chair by themselves (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in getting into and out of bed or up and down from a chair by themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulties in preparing meals without help (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulties in preparing meals without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in bathing or showering by themselves (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulties in bathing or showering by themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in bathing or showering by themselves (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulties in bathing or showering by themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in bathingor showering by themselves (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulties in bathing or showering by themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in dressing and undressing themselves (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in dressing and undressing themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in dressing and undressing themselves (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in dressing and undressing themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in dressing and undressing themselves (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in dressing and undressing themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in feeding by themselves (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in feeding by themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in feeding themselves (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in feeding by themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in feeding themselves (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in feeding by themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in housework without assistance (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in performing activities: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in housework without assistance (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in performing activities: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in housework without assistance (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in performing activities: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in light housework without assistance (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in carrying out light housework without assistance: severe, moderate, none, Activities not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in light housework without assistance (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in carrying out light housework without assistance: severe, moderate, none, Activities not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in light housework without assistance (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in carrying out light housework without assistance: severe, moderate, none, Activities not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in lying down and getting up from bed or sitting down and getting up from a chair by themselves (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in getting into and out of bed or up and down from a chair by themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in lying down and getting up from bed or sitting down and getting up from a chair by themselves (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in getting into and out of bed or up and down from a chair by themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in managing medication without assistance (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in taking medication without assistance : severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in occasional heavy housework without assistance (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in carrying out heavy housework without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activities not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in occasional heavy housework without assistance (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in carrying out heavy housework without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activities not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in occasional heavy housework without assistance (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in carrying out heavy housework without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activities not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in personal care (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • difficulty in personal care activities: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in personal care (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in personal care activities: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in personal care (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in personal care activities: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in preparing meals without assistance (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulties in preparing meals without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in preparing meals without assistance (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulties in preparing meals without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in shopping without assistance (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in shopping without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in shopping without assistance (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in shopping without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in shopping without assistance (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in shopping without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in taking care of finances and everyday administrative tasks without assistance (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in taking care of finances without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in taking care of finances and everyday administrative tasks without assistance (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in taking care of finances without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in taking care of finances and everyday administrative tasks without assistance (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in taking care of finances without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in taking medication without assistance (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in taking medication without assistance : severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in taking medication without assistance (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in taking medication without assistance : severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in using the telephone without assistance (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in using the telephone without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in using the telephone without assistance (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in using the telephone without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in using the telephone without assistance (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulty in using the telephone without assistance: severe, moderate, none, activity not carried out, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in using toilet by themselves (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulties in using toilet by themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in using toilet by themselves (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulties in using toilet by themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over by severity of limitations in usual activities and difficulty in using toilet by themselves (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • difficulties in using toilet by themselves: severe, moderate, none, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over with moderate or severe difficulty in housework by severity of limitations in usual activities and need for assistance (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • need for assistance in housework: no need for assistance, get enough assistance, lack of assistance
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over with moderate or severe difficulty in housework by severity of limitations in usual activities and need for assistance (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • need for assistance in housework: no need for assistance, get enough assistance, lack of assistance
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over with moderate or severe difficulty in housework by severity of limitations in usual activities and need for assistance (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • need for assistance in housework: no need for assistance, get enough assistance, lack of assistance
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
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  • Persons aged 65 and over with moderate or severe difficulty in personal care activities by severity of limitations in usual activities and need for assistance (absolute values in thousands) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • need for assistance in personal care activities: no need for assistance, get enough assistance, lack of assistance
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over with moderate or severe difficulty in personal care activities by severity of limitations in usual activities and need for assistance (percentage values) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • need for assistance in personal care activities: no need for assistance, get enough assistance, lack of assistance
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons aged 65 and over with moderate or severe difficulty in personal care activities by severity of limitations in usual activities and need for assistance (standardized quotients per 100 persons) by age class
    • age class (65 years and over - 2 items): 65-75 years, 75 years and over
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • need for assistance in personal care activities: no need for assistance, get enough assistance, lack of assistance
    • Display data in the selected year (2019)download
  • Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and listening radio (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and availability of credit card (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and diagnostic tests (at least one) in the last 12 months (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and hospitalization in the last 3 months (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and medical specialist consultations in the last 12 months (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and role in the household (percentage values) by age class
    • age class: 0-44 years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years, 75 years and over, n.a.
    • severity of limitations: severely limited, limited but not severely, not limited at all, n.a.
    • role in the household: single, individual aggregate in households with a single nucleus , parent, in couples with children, single parent, spouse, in a childless couple, son/daughter, in a couple, son/daughter, with one parent, other, n.a.
    • Display data in the selected year (2023)downloadTime series visualization
  • Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and self-perceived heath status (percentage values) by age class
  • Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and type of the household (percentage values) by age class