Ministero del Lavoro Logo
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Chosen features
Selection of objects
Remove the object:  a.1 Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do (absolute values in thousands)
a.1 Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do (absolute values in thousands)
Remove the object:  Children with disabilities or mental disorders in the social and health care residential facilities (per hundred thousand values)
Children with disabilities or mental disorders in the social and health care residential facilities (per hundred thousand values)
Remove the object:  a.2 Persons by severity of  limitations in activities people usually do (percentage values)
a.2 Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do (percentage values)
Remove the object:  Persons with disabilities started-up to work at 31 December (absolute values)
Persons with disabilities started-up to work at 31 December (absolute values)
Remove the object:  Apprenticeships initiated at December 31(absolute values)
Apprenticeships initiated at December 31(absolute values)
Units of analysis and classifications
<unclassified data>
  • Object
    • Close node b. Assistenza sanitaria e socialeb. Health and social care
      • Open node AttivitąActivities
      • Open node Posti lettoBeds
      • Open node Spesa dei Comuni per strutture, servizi e interventi Social expenditure of municipalities for facilities, services and treatments
    • Close node d. Famiglied. Households
      • Open node Caratteristiche del nucleo familiareHousehold socio-democraphic characteristics
    • Close node e. Istruzione e integrazione scolasticae. Education and scholastic integration
      • Open node Livello di istruzioneEducational level
      • Open node Ambiente scolasticoSchool environment
      • Open node Alunni con disabilitąStudents with disabilities
    • Close node f. Lavoro e occupazionef. Work and employment
    • Close node g. Saluteg. Health
      • Open node Condizioni di saluteHealth conditions
      • Open node Salute mentaleMental Health
    • Close node h. Vita socialeh. Social life
      • Open node Tempo liberoLeisure time
      • Open node Uso dei servizi Use of services
    • Close node i. Trasportoi. Transport
      • Open node Trasporto privatoPrivate transport
      • Open node Trasporto pubblicoPubblic transport
    • Close node j. Infortuni sul lavoro e malattie professionalij. Accident and work-related diseases
      • Open node Incidenti sul lavoroAccidents at work
      • Open node Titolari di rendita INAILINAIL annuity holders
      • Open node Malattie professionaliOccupational diseases