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Chosen features
Selection of objects
Units of analysis and classifications
<unclassified data>
Remove the year: 2008
  • Object
    • Close node b. Assistenza sanitaria e socialeb. Health and social care
      • Open node Spesa dei Comuni per strutture, servizi e interventi Social expenditure of municipalities for facilities, services and treatments
    • Close node e. Istruzione e integrazione scolasticae. Education and scholastic integration
      • Open node Alunni con disabilitàStudents with disabilities
    • Close node f. Lavoro e occupazionef. Work and employment
      • Open node Collocamento mirato: utenti e serviziTargeted employment: users and services
    • Close node g. Saluteg. Health
      • Open node Salute mentaleMental Health
    • Open node k. Protezione socialek. Social protection