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  • Gross annual amount of pension income for persons with disabilities (per thousand values) by gender, age class and type of pension
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      • Gross annual amount of pension income for persons with disabilities (per thousand values)
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Table: Gross annual amount of pension income for persons with disabilities (per thousand values) by gender, age class and type of pension - Nation Italia (Hierarchy Administrative) Year 2021. info
Page gender = males.
Until 19 years20-34 years35-49 years50-64 years65 years and overAge unknown Total
CIVIL DISABILITY1.022.900,41758.144,77898.127,171.137.016,86564.910,746,274.381.106,21
Civil disability with attendance allowance70.771,52552.301,57537.175,63515.443,90247.516,10-1.923.208,72
Civil disability without attendance allowance18.864,26191.141,67330.445,97570.038,49281.966,63-1.392.457,01
Attendance allowance due to civil disability933.264,6314.701,5430.505,5751.534,4735.428,026,271.065.440,49
TWO OR MORE PENSIONS (AT LEAST ONE MUST BE A PENSION OF DISABILITY OR COMPENSATORY OR CIVIL DISABILITY OR WAR)17.657,6052.692,02413.649,492.700.798,3020.848.184,01787,4924.033.768,91
Two or more pensions with attendance allowance1.472,1440.814,11282.534,841.136.765,493.217.470,5368,884.679.125,99
Two or more pensions without attendance allowanc2.111,368.588,35103.051,471.330.061,018.778.440,11637,8310.222.890,14
Attendance allowance for beneficiaries with two or more pensions14.074,113.289,5628.063,18233.971,798.852.273,3780,789.131.752,79