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- Number of recipients of disability pensions by type of pension
- Objects
- Number of recipients of disability pensions
- Units of analysis and classifications
- Type of pension
- Territory
- Hierarchy: Administrative
- Friuli-Venezia Giulia Detail provincial
- Year
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Table: Number of recipients of disability pensions by type of pension - Friuli-Venezia Giulia Detail provincial (Hierarchy Administrative) Year 2019.PROVINCES
Disability | Compensatory | Civil disability | War | Two or more pensions (at least one must be a pension of disability or compensatory or civil disability or war) | Total |
Civil disability with attendance allowance | Civil disability without attendance allowance | Attendance allowance due to civil disability | Total | Two or more pensions with attendance allowance | Two or more pensions without attendance allowanc | Attendance allowance for beneficiaries with two or more pensions | Total |
Udine | 3.884 | 2.134 | 1.679 | 3.191 | 2.204 | 7.074 | 121 | 4.309 | 7.135 | 11.103 | 22.547 | 35.760 |
Gorizia | 1.191 | 396 | 421 | 777 | 645 | 1.843 | 28 | 1.138 | 2.002 | 2.874 | 6.014 | 9.472 |
Trieste | 1.520 | 742 | 604 | 1.243 | 898 | 2.745 | 56 | 1.215 | 3.157 | 3.696 | 8.068 | 13.131 |
Pordenone | 2.361 | 852 | 847 | 1.484 | 1.586 | 3.917 | 63 | 2.159 | 3.218 | 5.626 | 11.003 | 18.196 |