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- Students with disabilities of upper secondary school (absolute values) by type of upper secondary school
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- Students with disabilities of upper secondary school (absolute values)
- Units of analysis and classifications
- Type of upper secondary school

- Territory
- Hierarchy: Administrative
- Italia Detail geographical area

- Year
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Table: Students with disabilities of upper secondary school (absolute values) by type of upper secondary school - Italia Detail geographical area (Hierarchy Administrative) Year 2018. 
Vocational institute | Technical institutes
| Socio-psycho-pedagogical, communication, social sciences liceo (ex teachers training institutes) | Scientific liceo | Classical liceo | Linguistic liceo | Art education | Total |
Nord-ovest | 8.225 | 4.383 | 875 | 983 | 279 | 33 | 894 | 15.672 |
Nord-est | 5.948 | 2.648 | 534 | 638 | 287 | 11 | 735 | 10.801 |
Centro | 6.918 | 3.942 | 918 | 1.037 | 733 | 37 | 1.511 | 15.096 |
Sud | 8.974 | 5.609 | 1.276 | 1.150 | 514 | 8 | 1.368 | 18.899 |
Isole | 4.097 | 2.455 | 827 | 666 | 363 | 5 | 969 | 9.382 |
Italia | 34.162 | 19.037 | 4.430 | 4.474 | 2.176 | 94 | 5.477 | 69.850 |