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- Persons registered to the only provincial list "ex L.68/99" at 31 December (absolute values) by type of persons registered
- Objects
- Persons registered to the only provincial list "ex L.68/99" at 31 December (absolute values)
- Units of analysis and classifications
- Type of persons registered

- Territory
- Hierarchy: Administrative
- Nation Italia
- Year
Section data displayed
Table: Persons registered to the only provincial list "ex L.68/99" at 31 December (absolute values) by type of persons registered - Nation Italia (Hierarchy Administrative) Year 2011. 
TYPE OF PERSONS REGISTERED | Persons registered to the only provincial list "ex L.68/99" at 31 December (absolute values) |
With disabilities | 644.029 |
Female with disabilities | 308.142 |
Ex. art. 18 | 38.118 |
Ex art.18 female | 20.240 |
Total | 682.147 |