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- Students with disabilities of upper secondary school (absolute values) by type of upper secondary school
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- Students with disabilities of upper secondary school (absolute values)
- Units of analysis and classifications
- Type of upper secondary school

- Territory
- Hierarchy: Administrative
- Year
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Table: Students with disabilities of upper secondary school (absolute values) by type of upper secondary school - Sud Detail region (Hierarchy Administrative) Year 2011. 
Vocational institute | Technical institutes
| Socio-psycho-pedagogical, communication, social sciences liceo (ex teachers training institutes) | Scientific liceo | Classical liceo | Linguistic liceo | Art education | Total |
Abruzzo | 709 | 390 | 161 | 45 | 19 | 1 | 225 | 1.550 |
Molise | 127 | 76 | 49 | 12 | 11 | - | 38 | 313 |
Campania | 3.454 | 1.451 | 316 | 232 | 58 | 5 | 414 | 5.930 |
Puglia | 2.231 | 1.158 | 205 | 111 | 77 | 5 | 288 | 4.075 |
Basilicata | 311 | 109 | 29 | 19 | 10 | - | 29 | 507 |
Calabria | 984 | 532 | 134 | 78 | 44 | - | 145 | 1.917 |