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Data Source Grid
Information System of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (SIMPI)
Datasource description
The information system provides data relating to school pupils/students with disabilities, both in state-run schools and in non state-run schools. Generally, the data are supplied by the staff for the state schools and by the yearly survey for the no state schools. The survey makes the following information available: number of schools, classes, students, equipment and personnel.
Informational value for studying disability
Within this flow of information data on students with disabilities are collected of all school levels. The condition of disability is determined by special multidisciplinary committees, which prepare the functional diagnosis, and then the dynamic functional profile, and the individualized education plan.
Type of Data
Reporting units
State-run and non state-run Italian schools and institutes
Analysis units
Pupils/students with disabilities.
Observed phenomena
Pupils/students with disabilities, Orders and grades of schools, Region, Province.
Annual (school years)
Institution responsable for
Ministry of Education, University and Research
Published territorial detail