Data access
Documents and Glossary
Units of analysis and classifications
Chosen features
Choice of units of analysis and classifications
Units of analysis and classifications
Severity of limitations
95 tables compatible with the choices already made
Units of analysis and classifications
Age class
Age class (0 years and over - 4 items)
Age class (14 years and over - 4 items)
Age class (15 years and over - 2 items)
Age Class (15 years and over -4 itmes)
Age class (18 years and over - 4 items)
Age class (25 years and over - 5 items)
Age class (3 years and over - 4 items)
Age class (6 years and over - 4 items)
Age class (65 years and over - 2 items)
Availability of payment cards
Availability of ATM card
Availability of credit card
Carry out social activity
Carrying out at least one of the social activities
Cultural participation
Depression Type
Diagnostic tests
Difficulty in carrying out the activity
Difficulties in bathing or showering by themselves
Difficulties in hearing
Difficulties in preparing meals without assistance
Difficulties in using toilet by themselves
Difficulty in carrying out heavy housework without assistance
Difficulty in carrying out light housework without assistance
Difficulty in dressing and undressing themselves
Difficulty in feeding by themselves
Difficulty in getting into and out of bed or up and down from a chair by themselves
Difficulty in performing activities
Difficulty in personal care activities
Difficulty in seeing
Difficulty in shopping without assistance
Difficulty in taking care of finances without assistance
Difficulty in taking medication without assistance
Difficulty in using the telephone without assistance
Difficulty in walking
Need for assistance in housework
Frequency of religious practice
Level of education
Level of satisfaction
Level of satisfaction with family relationships
Level of satisfaction with leisure time
Level of satisfaction with relationships with friends
Need for assistance in personal care activities
Presence of serious chronic diseases
Role in the household
Self-declared occupational status
Self-declared professional status
Self-perceived health status
Specialist Medical Consultations
Sporting activities
Type of household
Updating on Italian politics
Use of
Use of car as driver