Data access
Documents and Glossary
Units of analysis and classifications
Chosen features
Selection of objects
Units of analysis and classifications
<unclassified data>
135 tables compatible with the choices already made
a. Persons with disabilities
a.1 Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do (absolute values in thousands)
a.2 Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do (percentage values)
b. Health and social care
d. Households
Household socio-democraphic characteristics
e. Education and scholastic integration
f. Work and employment
Emplyoment status
f.1 Persons aged 15 years and over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and self-declared activity status (percentage values)
f.2 Employed Persons over by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and self-declared employment status (percentage values)
Targeted employment: users and services
g. Health
h. Social life
Leisure time
Level of satisfaction
Social Participation
Use of services
Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and availability of ATM card (percentage values)
Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and availability of credit card (percentage values)
Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of banks (percentage values)
Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of Local Health Authorities (percentage values)
Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of municipal offices (percentage values)
Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do and use of post offices (percentage values)
i. Transport
k. Social protection
Beneficiaries of disability pensions
EC Social protection expenditure - disability function