Ministero del Lavoro Logo
Istat Logo
Disablit? Logo

Chosen features
Selection of objects
Remove the object:  a.1 Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do (absolute values in thousands)
a.1 Persons by severity of limitations in activities people usually do (absolute values in thousands)
Units of analysis and classifications
<unclassified data>
  • Object
    • Open node a. Persone con disabilitąa. Persons with disabilities
    • Close node b. Assistenza sanitaria e socialeb. Health and social care
      • Open node AttivitąActivities
      • Open node Posti lettoBeds
      • Open node Spesa dei Comuni per strutture, servizi e interventi Social expenditure of municipalities for facilities, services and treatments
    • Open node d. Famiglied. Households
    • Open node e. Istruzione e integrazione scolasticae. Education and scholastic integration
    • Open node f. Lavoro e occupazionef. Work and employment
    • Open node g. Saluteg. Health
    • Open node h. Vita socialeh. Social life
    • Close node i. Trasportoi. Transport
      • Open node Trasporto privatoPrivate transport
      • Open node Trasporto pubblicoPubblic transport
    • Open node k. Protezione socialek. Social protection